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Dev Diary #4

Dev Diary #4

Jun 19, 2024

So. Turns out being sick for four weeks is not normal - who knew?

I also got into a car accident and had to get my car fixed (I got it back now... after taking another hit to the bank account... sigh). My sleep schedule is all over the place and being sick has not helped at all with being productive. That also explains why I took so long to make this Dev Diary because unfortunately, I'm either sleeping off the sickness or I'm at work. But anyway, happy pride and here's hoping to getting better because I am very tired of being sick. :)

Terms of Service Update

Updated my TOS recently! My last one was made while still in college and was based around the current climate on art commissions. I also felt like my old TOS was too long?? So I'm glad I could streamline it a bit.

Commissions Update

With my TOS change, I also updated my commissions and changed some things around. One big change was the deactivation of my Wix site. To be honest, the site was clunky for me to update and use and I just didn't like how it looked most of the time. Wix bringing in AI was what finally encouraged me to just let it go altogether.

I'm now conducting commissions either through here on BMAC, VGen, or directly through Paypal.

Oh btw, I have a VGen now! I quite like the look and feel of it, but I also really enjoy my BMAC so I'll just keep both of them.

  • Invisible Crown

Unfortunately not much work done again due to sickness. Maybe during my next few days off, I'll finally watch the movie I needed to so I can finish the respective chapter and just have the final one left.

I've had thoughts of dropping this project too, but I'm kicking myself because that's the sickness trying to take away one my joys in life: putting Sora in dresses.

  • Return of Vatonage

Same thing as above with thoughts of dropping, but I'll be real here: If I drop this project after a decade of working on it, it means I'm being held against my will and am seeking help. Truthfully? I think the drafted prologue being art I've drawn years ago and it's awkward trying to draw the final lines for it. 7/11 pages are done with some of the WIP being partially started. Once I'm done with that, I feel like I'll be a lot more motivated since I'd be drawing fresh.

  • His Holiness, the Saintess


It's been a lot of fun creating the cultures and trivia for the different countries. The story will take place primarily in Etheria. They are a prosperous country in a golden age of wealth and power in spite of its ongoing border clashes with Marneculus. I haven't decided if the characters will visit the other countries much if at all, so it's hard to determine how much info to create for them. I'm sure I'll figure it out as I further develop the story and characters.

Speaking of characters-

Behold, Riley Hartwood~! My little awkward fairy boy. I think I nailed his energy right away, but will have to go back and add in details and such.

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