Welcome 2023 - The Year We Take Over The ...

Welcome 2023 - The Year We Take Over The Adventure Travel Niche Online

Jan 04, 2023

What a year 2022 was! It was my first full year of creating Travel Videos and let me just say a massive thanks to all of you guys for watching my videos and supporting what I do! I did not expect to have come this far in 2022!

For 2023 the plans are big I'm looking to finish of my adventures in South America (for now) with Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and the three amigos Suriname, Guyana and French Guyana before heading overt to South East Asia, where I'm looking at countries like Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines that is all my plans for the first 6-8 months of the year.

Then in the later half of 2022 I would like to do some videos in East and Southern Africa as well as other parts of Asia, but nothing concrete on that yet!

So let's make 2023 the year we take over the adventure travel niche online!

See you on the road

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