A wierd and wonderful start to Sunday

A wierd and wonderful start to Sunday

Jun 26, 2022

Not really sure where to begin this ut i'm overcome with emotion and gratitude so I had to share this story...

As many of you will know I am in a bad place financially. With 5 days to go until pay day i have just been to the shop for essentials. Bread, milk, butter. with £8 in the bank and my last £10 in my pocket just incase.

I got what i needed and left. On my way home a van beeped and someone yelled my name. I turned to see it was a a man i let stay at my house. I lived a lone at the time and he was begging for change on the streets after life had dealt him a bad hand.

"I haven't got any change. But I have a place to stay if you need it" i don't know why i said it, the words just came out. He cautiously accepted, came home wiith me. He showered, whed the only clothes he had and fed. After a few days i came home from work to find he had gone. And i hadn't seen him since.

Until today. When he stopped me on the street to thank me. His words were kind and bought a tearr to my eye. "It isn't much but take this" He handed me £30 i refused at first but he was offended and insisted i take it.

I hurried home, emotional. It is when I got home that i realised, My last £10 was one. I must have dropped it on the walk. If it wasnt for the coincedence of seeing this guy again... I would have nothng.

I don't know wht the point of sharing this is. I just had to get it out before i burst. What an incredible place the world is.

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