Mar 19, 2023

Working in the new studio space at Graphite Arts Center has allowed me to stretch a bit more and get back to working on larger canvases. I just finished the first BIG one this week from a reclaimed unfinished piece. I was contemplating another, but I was concerned about the price of a new large canvas taking a sizable chunk out of my business account. Wouldn't you know it, Michael's Art Supply is having a 70% off sale!!! So I cruised over and grabbed what I could afford, which should keep me going big for the next 3-4 weeks. I'll be sharing my work and behind the scenes details right here on Buy Me A Coffee (for me it's obviously 'Canvas') but not all will be viewable to the general public. If you aren't a supporter or member already then consider commissioning or purchasing a painting or giving a small tip/donation to get access to insider info and more.

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