Our life now and a recent trip to Vinnyt ...

Our life now and a recent trip to Vinnytsia.

May 20, 2023

Hello guys! Hope you're doing well! Last weekend we were in Vinnytsia, this is the city where one of my brothers lives, who recently had a baby, so I have one more nephew now :)) So that day we visited the church and christened this baby. We also spent a few hours in the city, so I took some videos and I can say that the city is very well-cared and comfortable, I also googled, and it turned out that Vinnytsia was the top 1 city for comfortable living in Ukraine in 2021, before the start of a full-scale war. Kharkiv and Vinnytsia took the first place. After that, we spent several nights in Kyiv, and on both nights we had attacks on Kyiv, so those were very nervous and sleepless nights. Last night we also had a lot of shaheds over Kyiv, and some of the debris from these drones fell not far from my parent's place, only 1,5 km away. It was early in the morning, so, fortunately, everyone is alive, only the roof of the building and parked cars were damaged. This is how we live now.

Good news, we will get F16 jets and I hope that our sky will be more protected and our army will be better equipped.

Thank you for your attention, take care and have a great weekend!

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