Asking For Money Is Scary

Asking For Money Is Scary

May 30, 2021

Hey, friends!

You would think, after helping to raise over 26 million dollars for the Tulsa Area United Way, asking for money wouldn't seem anywhere near as terrifying it feels for me right now, does.

Then again, that was for charity.

Underlord, the story that inspired me to create an account on this website, is obviously not a charity project. That being said, my goal with Underlord is definitely not to get rich. My goal for Underlord is to tell a fun story of strong quality that readers can enjoy at the digital level for free in order to make it as accessible as possible for those readers. There will be purchasable physical volumes down the road, but I don't want to create a gate that keeps people who actually want to read Underlord from being able to keep up with everybody else.

A story for all ages about friendship, doing good for those who can do nothing for you, and making the most out of life's unfortunate moments(and totally B.A. fights lol) is not a story that I want kept behind a paywall. If you have access to the internet, even if it's only for just long enough to download the latest chapter, I want you to be able to read this story. No crowdfunding exclusive items or anything like that will happen when it comes to the base story(not that those are bad by any means for other creators). If something is available at one time, I want it to be available to anybody who wants it for as long as I can make it happen.

So, a single payment of five dollars, one dollar here or there, buying an Underlord print or some merch when those come out, or just sharing this page would be a major help in my journey to get this story made. Every dollar I get from Underlord goes directly back into creating more of the story, prints, merch, and other good stuff.

The goal is currently at $3,000 for the Underlord account to get the ball rolling on story art for the first chapter. I'll obviously be throwing some of my own money in there when I am able, but with your support, we'll knock this 3k goal out in no time!

Subcscribe to my mailing list at to keep in the loop on everything for Underlord and more.

Let's make this happen. I believe in what we are capable of.

Thank you for who you are and who you choose to be.

- Paul

P.S. Enjoy this concept art of the protagonist below(named after one of my amazing friends). This is Carleigh Sherman, a.k.a. "The Feral Child". Concept art by Krys Guzman.


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