Being able to focus intently on one task has a flip side.
This can manifest spectacularly when shaving.
If you have an important, in-person meeting,
it'll consume your thoughts as you shave your legs and/or face.
Each pass of the blade will see you ponder the event from a different angle,
trying to prepare.
As shaving and pondering are mutually exclusive,
you may cut yourself in the very attempt to be presentable.
If you slice a mole, this can be serious.
Especially if it's on your chin.
Blood on the towel. Blood on tissues. Blood on your hands.
It can take several fabric band-aids to staunch the flow.
And the look is not one to win corporate hearts or minds.
Fronting a meeting with a large, sticking-plaster X
greatly diminishes already-frail confidence.
And any attempt to remove the dressing beforehand
(however dry and healed the wound may seem)
will release a crimson torrent onto your collar and/or stockings.
The solution is to shower and shave on the eve of the meeting.
That way, you have all night to recover from your injuries.
[First published 30 June 2009. Work from home FTW.]
Pic by Mariana Pedroza.