Wow First Post

Wow First Post

May 30, 2021


Thanks for dropping by.

Maybe I should say a little about myself. I’ve been making things for years and I’ve been really into 3D printing and CNC machines. I use these tools to design and make things that help me out in my day to day.

Most recently I’ve been making things that go well with my synths in my aspirations of being a music maker.

I’ve made a few useful niknaks and because they worked out so well for me I thought I’d make more for other who might be in a similar need.

This is just a little side-hustle/hobby for me where I can make some cash so I can make more things and maybe learn a thing or two.

Everything I make has been tested by myself on my own kit. If I’ve not tried it out myself it won’t be up for sale here.

Patches N’ Bits

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