Ent to End Open Source NFT Marketplaces ...

Ent to End Open Source NFT Marketplaces Code.

Mar 24, 2022

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Today we are going to look at the open-source marketplace as NFT is performing a major role in authenticity and privacy. nowadays everyone wants to be mint an NFT on different NFT marketplaces.

But today we can see some major and popular open-source NFT marketplaces code. you can take references from their code and build your own or fork their repositories.

Let’s Start —

1. OpenSea.

A JavaScript library for crypto-native e-commerce: buying, selling, and bidding on any crypto good. With OpenSea.js, you can easily build your own native marketplace for your non-fungible tokens, or NFTs. These can be ERC-721 or ERC-1155 (semi-fungible) items. You don’t have to deploy your own smart contracts or backend order books.

GitHub - ProjectOpenSea/opensea-js: JavaScript SDK for the OpenSea marketplace. Let your users buy…

JavaScript SDK for the OpenSea marketplace. Let your users buy or sell crypto goods on your own site! - GitHub …


2. Decentraland’s NFT Marketplace.

Decentraland is a virtual platform that is built on the Ethereum blockchain network. The players can buy assets here and claim their ownership with NFT. This platform gives the users the liberty of experiencing the real world through virtual simulation. Decentraland uses Ethereum, where Ethereum tokens like ERC-721, ERC-1155, and ERC-998 only support NFT.

GitHub - decentraland/marketplace: 🏛️ Decentraland's NFT Marketplace

You can't perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. You signed out in another tab or…


3. NFT Marketplace prototype on (Typescript, WalletConnect, Metamask, Web3, Solidity, React, and Storybook).

Prototype of an NFT Marketplace based on openZeppelin abstract upgradeable ERC721 contracts and Minting/uploading images to IPFS and integration with Opensea.io

GitHub - silviopaganini/nft-market: NFT Marketplace prototype using Typescript, WalletConnect…

Prototype of an NFT Marketplace based on openZeppelin abstract upgradeable ERC721 contracts and Minting/uploading images…


4. NFT & Marketplace Contracts with royalties and fungible token support on the NEAR protocol.

A PoC backbone for NFT Marketplaces on NEAR Protocol. This standard assumes the NFT contract has implemented NEP-171 (Core) and NEP-178 (Approval Management).

GitHub - near-examples/nft-market: NFT & Marketplace Contracts with royalties and fungible token…

This repository is not up-to-date with the current NFT standards. For an example repository that is currently being…


5. A full-stack digital marketplace running on Ethereum with Polygon & Next.js.

This project uses Ethereum and Ethereum token ERC-721. but the smart contract is deployed on a polygon, such an interesting marketplace.

GitHub - dabit3/polygon-ethereum-nextjs-marketplace: A full stack digital marketplace running on…

This is the codebase to go along with the blog post Building a Full Stack NFT Marketplace on Ethereum with Polygon…


6. Minter SDK.

This project uses Tezos(XTZ) and Token TZIP-16.

GitHub - tqtezos/minter-sdk: A set of tools and libraries to bring creation, management, and sales…

This software is in beta. Testing of the Minter SDK smart contracts remains in progress and third-party audit results…


7. NFT platform for festival ticket booking and ticket reselling between trustless parties.

An end-to-end blockchain-based platform for festival ticket booking and ticket reselling between trustless parties. This will help to eliminate the current issue with the fake tickets and uncontrolled resale price for the tickets in the black market. The platform is built on a public Ethereum blockchain network where ERC721 tokens represent festival tickets and these tickets can be purchased using a platform-based ERC20 token called FEST.

GitHub - ashleshsortee/festival-marketplace: An end-to-end blockchain based NFT platform for…

An end-to-end blockchain-based platform for festival ticket booking and ticket reselling between trustless parties…


8. Core Smart Contracts of Unique One.

Unique is a next-generation decentralized NFT arts marketplace for the growing world of digital Artists, Creators, and Collectors. Unique wants to be the first truly community-run art marketplace and believes that this diversity will make it truly unique — a one-of-a-kind project in the world.

GitHub - ashleshsortee/festival-marketplace: An end-to-end blockchain based NFT platform for…

An end-to-end blockchain-based platform for festival ticket booking and ticket reselling between trustless parties…



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