6 supporters
Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone!

Dec 08, 2021


So I decided to make a Buy Me A Cup Of Coffee page, and I am glad you have visited it (me, however, you want to say it). I saw that this platform allows posting, and I thought I would turn it into a fun little blog too!

Online I like to create in the following ways:

Because of my varied interests, my blog posts will also be varied (I know that I may need to apologize to some people for that - I am not niche at all). I plan to post some of the following things here:

  • Wedding Articles

  • Wedding Products

  • Invitations or Other Zazzle Items I Create

  • General Writing Articles

  • Writing Markets and Contest Articles

  • Self Improvement Articles

  • Food Articles

  • Recipes

  • Gift Ideas


I want this website/blog to be a fun experience of expressing myself in what interests me on any particular day AND to help others find writing opportunities, self-improvement ideas, recipes, wedding planning ideas, and gift ideas.

I am sure sometime in the future, I will also make some content just for supporters and members, but I want to make as much as possible available for the whole community. If you can give, great. If you can't or simply do not want to - that is fine as well!

I still hope I publish something here that interests you! Welcome to my page!


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