The Uncommon Sense of 'Common Sense'

The Uncommon Sense of 'Common Sense'

Jul 03, 2024

Somewhere, Sometime in my path of life, I came across the phrase
'The Uncommon Sense of Common Sense.'
It appears to me that this state of being has become the norm.
So, I recall 'Control Your Mind OR It Will Be Controlled For You!' a quote From Napoleon Hill.
We have only one life to live. It suddenly hits you! An awareness of some type of entity imposing itself in your life, and via its cycle and process imposes conflict and tension on mankind.
The conflict I speak of is enmity between the Jew and non-Jew.
It's like its script exists even before we are are born.
One then becomes indoctrinated into this script.
Does scripture stands for the 'Script You Are.'
The 'Script-You-Are' impresses a worldview upon you.
Once one opts into this mindset, one will become polarized.
I know, my Zoom friend Rodney does not like the binary bit, but we're all thrust into this dichotomy.
This conflict is the primary source/cause/origin that forces a binary output.
You are the energy that keeps this going - one becomes the current/currency of this program/system.
The world as it is, forces many to conform and becomes part of the mind game.
The 'Jew script' has the stench of supremacy with its 'Chosen of God' bit and their claim to be the seed/sperm of Abraham. Jews claim only they are people with souls and all non-Jews are just soulless animals.
They will tell You Jesus was Jew but they'll forget to tell you he rebuked them and told them that Satan is their Daddy. Satan being the source of all lies - there is no 'Truth' in him.
This speaks volumes about his children according to Jesus.
Someone told me a tip I'd like to share about how to think about Religion.
He said "I remember religion by the word 'DERMS' like skin treated DERMatologist."
All religions are basically composed of five things.
All religions have a Doctrine, Ethics, Rituals, Myths, and Symbols, but besides all that there's common sense.
Personally, I recommend reading the Bible.(Reading: Important Competence). I prefer the KJV Bible and its Old English. A Dictionary is an invaluable tool for learning especially if practiced in conjunction with the 7 Classical Liberal Arts.
The 7 Classical Liberal Arts is a method whereby one can learn and know any subject.
It is composed of the Trivium, Quadrivium plus the 5 senses.
The 'Trivium' deals with the 'Letter' and a 3 step process. The order is Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric or simply input, process and output.
The 'Quadrivium' deals with 'Number' and represents 4 categories that follow a certain sequence.
This is more to verify things empirically.
There's Number which deals with Arithmetic. Number and Space which deals with Geometry, Number and Time which deals with Music, and Number and Space and Time deal with Astronomy.
The Trivium(3), Quadrivium(4) and the 5 senses are all one needs to learn how to learn.

Another thing that should be taught to children early in life is knowledge of the 'Natural Law.'

The ignorance of this brings chaos instead of order into one’s being.

There are '7 Natural Laws' that are immutable and binding.
There is no way out of it like 'Cause and Effect' which is one of its principles.
'The Kybalion' is a book that was first published in 1908 and is attributed to the 'Three Initiates.'
The book is a study of the principles of Hermetic philosophy, which is a system of thought that originated in ancient Egypt and Greece. Thoth of Egypt and Hermes of Greece are also credited with creation of the 7 principles. Natural Law is organized around seven core principles, which are referred to as the "Seven Hermetic Principles."
These principles are:
▸1 The Principle of Mentalism: The idea that all reality is mental and that the mind is the fundamental creative force in the universe.
▸2 The Principle of Correspondence: The idea that there is a correspondence between the physical and the spiritual worlds and that what is above is reflected below.
▸3 The Principle of Vibration: The idea that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration and that the differences between things are due to different rates of vibration.
▸4 The Principle of Polarity: The idea that everything in the universe has its opposite and that these opposites are interconnected and interdependent.
▸5 The Principle of Rhythm: The idea that everything in the universe moves in a cycle and that the cycles of nature reflect the principles of the universe.
▸6 The Principle of Cause and Effect: The idea that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that everything in the universe is connected.
▸7 The Principle of Gender: The idea that everything in the universe has both, male and female principles and that the balance between these principles is necessary for creation.
Though there are 7 principles, there is an important 8th and hidden principle.

▸ The 8th and principle is 'Care.' One must care to do what is just, right and Fair.
To me, some people are more sensible and can critically think through it all.
Truth will prevail. Truth needs no defense. Truth Conquers all.

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