必學❗️八字五行【玩美人生】中式命理教學 - 02

必學❗️八字五行【玩美人生】中式命理教學 - 02

Jun 07, 2021

有人說八字很複雜,沒錯,的確很複雜~ 但在Francis師傅的解說下,一聽就懂❗️ 把影片收藏起來,方便日後作複習哦❤️

*Ba Zi: Is eight characters, divided into four groups, each group including two characters, total eight characters. These group of characters showing a person's date(year, month, day) and time of birth. **Ji Yue: the ending of four seasons. Chen is March, Wei is June, Xu is September and Chou is December, they all belongs to the Earth element.


✅作者: Francis 師傅 玄學經驗16年

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