Kanab, Utah, is a place I've mostly just visited for The Wave lottery, but this time I decided to see what else was in the area and found some lesser-known dinosaur trackways, along with a hike to the Mansard Petroglyphs and the Sand Caves. Temps at night were in the mid-teens, and the days were short and a bit nippy, I found my interest in long, cold hikes had waned for now, so these shorter walks were ideal. The Mansard Trail is roughly a five-mile round trip hike and climbs about 950 feet. The alcove contains petroglyphs from the Pueblo II period (AD 950 to 1150) so are about 870- to 1,070-years-old. LATITUDE/LONGITUDE: -112.4233048, 37.03500188 Please remember to respect and protect rock writing and archaeological sites. Thank you. All of these locations are easy to find on Google if you want more information.