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Cards Against Anxiety

Cards Against Anxiety

Jan 05, 2021

I bought a little present before Christmas especially to share with you all, I didn't know I would need to bring it out so soon but here it is! Due to the announcement last night I will be sharing a daily tip to help against anxiety. This is in addition to my usual daily tip ;) xx

Cards Against Anxiety

4 by 4 Breathing.

My wonderful Numerology teacher taught me this method as a meditation task and it is a great way of beating anxiety and taking a moment to calm down.

Step one - Breathe in deeply for a count of 4. Focus on your breath filling your lungs completely (but not so that it is uncomfortable).

Step two - hold your breath in your lungs for a count of 4. Experience the feeling of your lungs being full.

Step 3 - Breathe out for a count of 4. Try to empty your lungs completely.

Step four - Hold your lungs empty for a count of 4.

Repeat this process until you feel calm or at least four times.

4 is the number of structure, grounding and foundation. Focusing on your breathing can keep your mind from running away with you and keep you in the here and now, with your feet firmly on the ground. If you like, you could draw a square on a piece of paper as you do this; each side of the square representing each step of the exercise.

(Cards Against Anxiety - Dr P. Knightsmith )

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