My name is Cedric Hohnstadt and I'm a professional illustrator. In between client projects I draw funny and/or thoughtful webcomics with the help of caffeine and some highly trained squirrels. We don't have enough room on our fridge so I post 'em online. I have a humor webcomic called Sketchbook Silliness and a serious Christian webcomic called Narrow Road Comics. Some of my comics have gone mildly viral, being featured on the front pages of sites like Imgur, 9gag, and Bored Panda. I’ve successfully Kickstarted my first book of cartoons called Mostly Nonsense. My comics are free but tips are very much appreciated.
Recent supporters

TOMS Anglican Church, Cranebrook, Australia bought a coffee.
Thanks for letting us use one of your graphics for a one off print Cedric. You're lovely.

Nichole M and family bought 5 coffees.

Wayne Kutch bought a coffee.

Lena Rogahn bought a coffee.