Last week Marcin Majak delivered our masterfully restored folding reed organ Leonardo from Gdansk in Poland (tuned beautifully in synch with Henrietta by Jakub Wszolek). I tried it out at our Vilnius University St. John's church first before taking it home. Hope you will enjoy Communion in C Major by Louis-James-Alfred Lefebure-Wely (1817-1869) from his collection Vade-mecum de l’organiste, Op.187. Since the range of the instrument is C-c''', I played this piece one octave lower with both 8' and 4' stops. After restoration it sounds really powerful since the reeds are renewed and the bellows don't leak anymore. When I played the video for Ausra this morning, her first guess was this is our University Organ (pedal reed organ which you see in the distance). Ausra and I are very happy with it. Hope you will enjoy it too!
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Secrets of Organ Playing - When You Practice, Miracles Happen!
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