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Together, My Thoughts

Together, My Thoughts

Nov 09, 2023

Ms.Matthews, I am who I am today, partially thanks to your constant encouragement. The young man that I still am, is eager to prove himself worthy to your "prying eyes" lol, I am ridiculously grateful for whatever it is you see in me. Truly.

I hope this makes sense.

(Hey Nermi πŸ˜…βœŒπŸΏ)


I’m on the road partially by choice, and partially because of circumstances set in place before my own birth.

I CHOOSE travel because my personality is one of insatiable curiosity. I like to see and do new things. Meet new people. Have new experiences. I find enjoyment in it.

Though I am FORCED to wander because there are men in charge of other men with guns, who would demand compensation should I simply take shelter in a home. Even if they have no intention of using it themselves.

This is a game I WILL NOT take part in, for it is unjust from the very beginning.

This land was claimed through theft and murder, they now say they own it and everything on it; they say we may use none of it without their approval, which is bought through indentured servitude to nefarious powers.

I say no. Therefore, it is contented exile for me.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing".


It is contented exile for now, but I am a sovereign. A well spoken, educated, young, American male. I could very well go to war with these wicked sons of bitches, and I will soon, but war is real.

If I am going to do so, I need to be smart, for they use guns and weapons of mass destruction; these are real.

I would much rather summon to me in the name of Allah, all the power that he has vested in the Truth, and use that instead; this is also real, I have seen it, I can teach you, and its reality operates at a more fundamental level of the universe than that of mere physical manifestations.

Which is greater, the head or the tail?

It is not yet time to go to war with these men though, I need to first summon this strength which overcomes theirs by becoming one with The Truth.


I need to be SURE that God is with me, I need to be sure that I AM on the side of righteousness and that it's powers are in me.

In the meantime, while I gather the troops and prepare our armaments; I or we, are forced to make do on the road.

That is what I am doing.

Luckily this is America, where resources abound and there are good people to help and support along the way. It's not so bad. It's freeing even.

This freedom, for the moment, means to sacrifice the luxury of perpetual comfort; to sacrifice the luxury of infinite convenience; though not completely and only until the work of Utopia is complete.

Life for our ancestors, who were also real, was not luxurious. Meaning, for one; it is a blessing to even taste such high heavens, not a given. Secondly:

β€œSaved? Nay.

Be damned if my brother might eat; my sister might heal; rise from mine ash and do better..."

~El Shaddai

Luxury? Nay.

Be damned if my brother might eat. It is our decadent refusal to yield to moderation that is killing, costing, and causing us our troubles anyway. We KNOW that.

Now, you do not have to join me. You can merely support the cause from afar, and so long as you are not actively supporting the enemy at the same time, that is enough. What I'm saying though, is that you're all in if your coming with me, and I'm sorry but it's not a cruise ship vacation (even though it can feel like that sometimes). It's a life boat, because the titanic is sinking.

There is no escaping the necessity of work. Joining me is work, but the work I offer is Good; it is easy; it is fulfilling, and I would be there to guide, assist, and protect you or anybody else. Also, there is no pay.

There is Providence,

Which means, if you're worried about the how and the where, Matthew 6:25-34 is your answer. Read that, sell everything you don't need, and trust me when I say there will be more where that came from as we make our way across the Atlantic.

El Shaddai provides.

One way or another; some day, maybe tomorrow; Babylon WILL fall under her own weight and she WILL drag anyone still holding fast to her ways down with her.

Now; women and children first, men, grab the oars. πŸš£πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ


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