"People are accustomed to believe... that their feelings on subjects of this nature are better than reasons and render reasons unnecessary... No one indeed, acknowledges to himself that his standard of judgement is his own likingβ but an opinion on a point of conduct not supported by reasons can only count as one person's preference, and if the reasons when given, are a mere appeal to a similar preference felt by other people; it is still only many peoples liking, instead of one."
~ John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
I'm going to lay out a few propositions.
These propositions are to my own liking and the practical principle behind why I like them is that they stem from Truth and Goodness (as I understand them), which transcend myself and my own preferences. In other words, they are derived not from my own liking, but from Pure Reason.
Proposition 1
An individual should not harm, obstruct, or reduce another who is not harming, obstructing, or reducing another. The inverse is implied.
(Simple enough so far, right?)
Proposition 2
An individual ought to give back in some way to the systems, persons, or powers from which they benefit.
(And don't pull this OUGHT from the simple fact of what IS, but in the face of what is, an IF. Ex: if you wish to continue benefitting from said system, person, or power, would it not be wise to see that they continue to flourish?)
Proposition 3
A Good person should have what they need, the simple freedom to get what they need by themselves included.
Proposition 4
To consciously enable a system, person, or power to harm, obstruct, reduce, exploit, pollute, lie, cheat, steal, et cetera, is to have done this thing with them.
(Need I name names, or are you fully aware of the moral actions/lack thereof committed by the systems, persons, and powers which you are currently supporting?)
Proposition 6
Every individual, regardless of age, birthplace, mental function, and form is having their OWN experience. You don't get to dictate that. You may aid and guide them through it if you wish, but you are not the overseer of their experience.
Proposition 7
'Utopia' is not only a possibility, but a likely one, and it functions on these (and more) propositions.
(That's what e v e r y man says of his set of propositions, though, at least one man HAS to be right, right? Well how do we determine who has it right? By first precisely defining the concept of Utopia itself, and then using that definition as a standard against which to judge each man's propositions.
"Utopia" to me, is a 'State' that upholds the absolute Freedom of every sovereign individual; circulates the(a) planets natural Abundance to provide for every Good individual, not only their needs but even their wants; upholds not a blind justice, but a wise Justice; provides safety and rest; does so, all while maintaining Balance and Harmony with it's surroundings, and does not abdicate these responsibilities to a centralized 'head', but tends to them consciously through the hands of all it's 'citizens' in the name of propriety.
Do you agree with this definition of Utopia? If so, would the above propositions not undergird it?
Imagine a world where you could literally do whatever you wanted. Chef's, healers, farmers, entertainers, teachers, pure humanitarians, engineers, carpenters, geniuses, et cetera; pick your passion or pleasing. Do it on your own time, safely and because you choose to, not 'because you have' to. A world where the wicked can't just weasel their way out of trouble with money or 'a good lawyer' because that's not how the fuck Justice actually works. A world where we're all wise enough not to freakout and stockpile toilet paper or some shit (ha) because the flow of information isn't being clogged or disturbed by mal intent. Family, look around you.
We're already there.
These things and more are already possible, and more than likely outcomes considering the technologies we currently possesβ the power we on this planet hold right now.
Soooo why. Isn't. It. Happening..?
Someone's breaking β¬οΈ)
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