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Corporeality is Relative (and I'm Retard ...

Corporeality is Relative (and I'm Retarded)

Mar 23, 2023

Today I learned that photons aren't "material" like atoms and such. Today... *Facepalm*

I also learned that a "particle" is the smallest possible vibration of a quantum field, and I love that. Great definition. 🀌🏿


ANYWAY yea; corporeality is relative... or something like that, think about it.

That's not what I'm here to talk about today though. My cosmological schema have been way off to be completely honest with you. I'm talking about "matter is just information" + "light is just information" = "light is just matter of a diff kind".

Matter ain't moving at the speed of light though? ok as I typed that out I instantly went "why can't information move at varying speeds in its various forms?" Fair enough. Either way, I don't be knowing what tf I be talkin 'bout.

Despite that though, a lot of the points I make still stand, and a lot of my conceptions/theories and such on reality, still hold. I'm convinced I'm a positive force for Good. In the most humble way possible, exposure to me is only to your benefit.

Now that we've established that I just talk out of my ass, here's what's up.

The wildest implication of the the double-slit experiment is that (for some reason), when you're not looking, the photon/reality is in EVERY POSSIBLE POSITION IT COULD POSSIBLY BE IN AT THE SAME TIME. Like, it's there, they're all manifest. If you can figure out what determines which possibility the wave function collapses into upon observation, you're omnipotent in the mug'.

I won't say too much on it 'cause, again, I don't be knowing what tf I be talkin 'bout, but anything is possible.

✨ M a g i c k ✨

I'm trying my best, always, as I agreed. Wish me pussy and good fortune friends. The end is nigh πŸ˜‚πŸ€ŸπŸΏ


Modern science is also wrong about a lot of shit too, like all the time, so lest you completely discredit your own institutions simultaneously; you can't completely discredit me for missing this or that. It's all part of the process. Plus, again, I'm only 24. Give it time fam. Also, light is totally Matter and corporeality is relative (or an utter illusion of sense, who knows, currently working out a new schema).


My current conception btw as to what Matter is, beyond just saying "it's the name for the stuff", is that it is "The All"; its Spirit(s).

We'll elaborate later.


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