Entrepreneurial Moods in Brazil (09/2019 ...

Entrepreneurial Moods in Brazil (09/2019)

Jun 01, 2020

I've been working for many days! Yeah, many strange things continuously these four month. The main reason for me to take a work is that I have lost two clients. After that, my mood was going down and down, but I visited other client and delivered more solutions to keep him as my client. πŸ™

The journey was hard, but my client got businesses at the United States, because we did some innovative things. We still have a lot of work, it's just the beginning. Now I have a new partner in Belgium. πŸ€“

I have to control myself to stay focused, however I've lost many opportunities and I have to work a lot, this makes me worried. πŸ€”

I'II do one thing at a time, at the moment, I have to write this composition when I would rather be coding. πŸ˜…

I need to work, study, and I have to create DEV-PP event at Inova Prudente, this makes me very happy. πŸ˜ƒ

For someone who does not know me I have no time to study, but if lack of time was an excuse , only the unemployed would SUCCEED! πŸ˜Ž


  • emoticons = moods 

Presidente Prudente, 28 September 2019.

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