Life in Sanity #1

Life in Sanity #1

May 02, 2023

To calm some peace of mind for ourselves both solitude and solidarity is an opportunity.

We need to hear our( true )selves to establish our peace and rest. Otherwise rusting is imminent in a social tempo and holistic momentum of 21st century. First of all we need to sign a treaty of peace with ourselves, ceasefire is not enough for a satisfying life.

All peace between people depends on mutual perception and understanding of each other and relations to all and parts of the universe.

Respect is somehow emerges when we see people as themselves and act wisely upon understanding. Without least respect we don’t know our limits and breach boundaries.

To see what is within our limits we need isolation. To extend our limits in a social habitat we need solidarity.

This is also true with our relationship with God. Salvation really depends on knowing ourselves and God as what we are and all the while conversing. We should regain our religion/spirituality/freedom with God every time we drink from the rivers of oblivion and incarnate in flesh again.

To duly understand what we are here, we need to remember way beyond our birth and conception in our mother’s womb. If we can remember that intermediary time between our last death and our last conception we would be soundly sure about;

  • The goals that we choose for this particular lifetime

  • What we are processing

  • What we are learning

  • What we are healing

  • How can we be of service to God, Universe, Others

  • Why we have chosen our family, nation, collective and relationships with all its specifics

  • The significance of everyone and everything in our life

  • Our best choices in terms of profession, education, interests and hobbies

  • Our best choices for a spouse and lovers

  • Critical life events

  • And so onwards…

To really get to know ourselves is a part of loving ourselves and others as well. Because when we get to know ourselves right we can somehow estimate how a person is related to herself and what is her problems and merits in terms of self-relation.

All our relationships are based on how we relate with ourselves, because how we define ourselves boils down to how we define each other. As in the word definition, we also come to finalize our judgement of ourselves, setting our own boundaries.

But truth is not something relative through God’s perspective. For truth we need to achieve solidarity God and for enlightening we need to extend this solidarity with All.

In case that we isolate ourselves we are not that lonely. A spiritual solitude is a way to come to find our own whole self and hear God as e speaks. In such isolation the interior parts of our own psyche becomes externalized, the whole content of our mind becomes much more clear. Our real spiritual thoughts or the thoughts of our higher self will gain more volume. We may feel that we were whispering our spiritual truth to ourselves but it was also the interruptions of mundane Ego.

A seclusion in a modest hermitage deals with these two problems of perceived volume of God and Higher Ego along with the interruption of God and Higher Ego from Mundane Distractions and Troubles of Mundane Ego through deliberate concentration of the act of seclusion. Because when we are secluded there are no distractions that will hinder our Conversation with God, our Conversation to our True Selves and Conservation of True Nature.

Without a sane communication a solidarity with God will not be achieved.

Just as we do eye contact…

In my own experience of conversing with God, it was a bit surprising and frustrating to receive the answers sometimes after several weeks and months , to the questions I put in daily meditations. But after I understood the curious telepathic dynamic of Understanding Well, the frustration has gone and fruits held the seeds to many many wonders.

This dynamic is very simple; God asks us to understand what e taught us earlier and put it into practice enough to satisfy our wisdom, because without this we would not understand what e will teach us later.

So we may need to revise time to time when we come in a phase where we burn-out in life.

If many things are happening against our decision and planning, then it’s time to revise and rethink and tinker our thought-belief systems or philosophy of life and tune with our Whole Self. Most of the time our Whole Self always converses with God at higher planes of life. Upon this if we were to detract or deviate from the life path we had defined for ourselves at higher planes we are much more prone to burn out because of a spiritual schizophrenia and dissociation.

When we are to get aligned with our own True Will, where we concur with God, both externally/internally Divine and Spiritual momentum will support us instead of self-sabotage. Knowing, understanding and acting upon our True Will wisely is a real formula of Samadhi/Nirvana state where God agrees with our actions, as actions that e would do if e would live in human flesh.

Mind and conscience will be an insurance and guarantor of our freedom when we align with our own self instead of being a cage of cracked or distorted mirrors when we obstinately overhear the messages of God and neglecting our own True Self.

Truth is not a thing that we should rebel against. Because when the truth crushes us we may know nothing right at all but still feel we know and act right right-about everything (a curious dynamic of fallacy and error) and drill down a well for ourselves right at the place we stand.

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