A Quick Update

A Quick Update

Mar 11, 2021

Sorry, it's been a while, guys! I just wanted to give you a quick update about what I've been working on.

My animations are coming along really well and I'm pleased with my progress. I still need to get some acoustic panels for my studio to help with recording though as I think I want to start making more YouTube videos in the near future and having those in place will help to make my videos sound better for you the audience. I need to get ones that are made from high density foam as some I have been looking at aren't very good quality, although they are cheaper. These ones I am looking at seem really cool, you can see that they are even used in things like engine tuning room dyno cells, which is pretty awesome.

If you are able to donate, it all goes towards helping to make my channel better, So I would really appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Much love to you all!


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