"What do you do when you're in the 'belly of the whale?'
By that, I mean when you find yourself in a hopeless state, when events have taken you to a place of frustration, chaos or few options. I could also be talking about the mundane, everyday kind of dread. The 'wish I were somewhere else' sort of feeling.
I find it's helpful to not panic.
Nothing causes a whale more acid reflux than a hysterical, menopausal woman in its gut. (I'm sure I'm right about this.)"
That’s a little crop from the Of Ink + Insight museletter sent out to inboxes today. It includes a wonderfully clever poem from Dan Albergetti, how I handled myself badly in a parking garage, a 7 minute anchoring meditation and prompts to inspire your journaling, art or photography in the month of May.
Hope you enjoy it! xoxo
If you’re not subscribed, you can sign up here http://eepurl.com/c4A8VD or access the May museletter here https://mailchi.mp/ofinkandinsight/muselettermay2022