Museletter | September 2021

Museletter | September 2021

Sep 05, 2021


“I don't have perfect answers yet. But what I feel is true, particularly as I get older, is that I want my life experience (and my online life) to be rich, diverse, and impactful. I want to avoid getting in a rut. I want to stay curious and fascinated and true to my heart, while offering you the perfect nudges to make more of your own creative self-discoveries. ”

That’s a little crop from the Of Ink + Insight museletter sent out to inboxes this afternoon. It includes a gorgeous poem from Meg Day, some deep questions for creative adventurers, and prompts to inspire your journaling, art or photography in the month of September.

Hope you enjoy it! xoxo

If you’re not subscribed, you can sign up here or access the September museletter here

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