Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

Jan 21, 2020

Let me first by saying thank you for visiting. I create animations, art and stickers for people to use for free. A serious matter has happened in my life and family, so decided to open this up if anyone wishes to help.

Without going too much as we agreed to keep this between close friends and family. Someone close to my life has been hospitalized. And Im sure you're familiar what that leads to; stress, finanical problems, bills, massive life-adjustments and etc.

I've had to cut hours a to help the family. Holidays have been cancelled and I had to pass on Jobs because I need to help THAT person. So, as of that, Im in the shit and decided to create this page.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated and will help a lot in the long run.

Thank you.
- Oddskull.

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