The Question that Will Change Your Life

The Question that Will Change Your Life

Aug 08, 2024

Do you want to change your life? Do you want to do it quickly? Do you want it to be foundational? Do you want to be the most positive person you know? And I don't mean that "toxic positive" attitude, either... I mean the version that comes to terms with everything being able to allow your imagination to focus on the best possible outcome?!

I'm so happy that you answered "Yes" to all of the above. More "Yes" in your life... more focusing on what you have as opposed to what you lack. If you come from the mindset of lack, you'll attract the lack (or repel the abundance). If you come from the mindset of abundance, you'll attract more. That means being grateful for everything that you have. Then, after you have that feeling of innate gratefulness, it's then about being excited about having MORE of it! Key word - EXCITED! If you're half in/half out, you're wavering on your requests for more. This has to be an excited request... like being at your favorite restaurant, ordering your favorite meal, and then awaiting its delivery. "OH BABY! I can't wait to get some MORE of that pepperoni and hot honey pizza with cabernet!" Is that my favorite meal? In this current moment in time, CHYUP. That waitress would have ZERO doubt about my order.

We can think about it that way - the waitress is the universe taking our order and if we don't have something for her to remember us by, she may have that "What did they want?" moment. She has to be thinking "HOLY SHIT! That dude is drooling for the pizza and wine... he REALLY wants it!" (Spoiler alert: He does.)

But I digress. I just want pizza... Specifically from Pizza Marvin in Providence. Shocker

We all get caught up in the bullshit. It's easy, you're human. Getting pulled over and being given a ticket. Spilling coffee on your favorite shirt. Getting smacked with an unexpected large expense. It HAPPENS. This realm is filled with tests from the higher power. We're going to get sucked down into the mundane. These are opportunities for your soul to learn how to rise above it and STAY above it. So how do we do that when it feels like we're just in the middle of a sucker-punch-tornado for weeks on end? The answer is not to try and punch the tornado back, but to cover up and accept the ride. But just know, deep inside yourself, that this tornado is only temporary. It will end and you will become immediately more grateful for the calmness, the sunshine, and the birds that reappear after the storm.

Even in that storm, there are things to be grateful for - the fact that you're still alive, that you can breathe, that you have your health (for the moment, or at least some of it), perhaps that you have a nice view of your town while you hover about it. There's always something. But the real question is...

"How could it get any better than this?"

Ask yourself this question daily, multiple times an hour, ask your friends, your family. Ask everyone. Your imagination is immediately forced to look at the positive and the results are palpable. We all go through the shit. These instances teach us lessons. It's our job to seek the meaning in the scenario. How could it get any better than this? Well... fill in the blank. Start to think about all the wild possibilities that could be created from this outcome that you're currently in. It could be an unexpected inheritance, an opportunity to write that book you've wanted the time for, or a chance to travel. Fill in your blank.

I invite you to try this little experiment today and commit to just today. Throughout the next 24 hours, continue to ask yourself, "How could it get any better than this?" and listen to the answers that come rolling in. Being mindful is a practice within itself, but once you become attuned to hearing your own thoughts clearly, you can start to control them. Once you learn to steer your mind in the right direction, like coasting on the highway and nudging the wheel back on the road, you can then hear all the other messages that the universe is trying to drop in.

Clear your mind of the nonsense, realize what is truly yours and control it. Then learn to hear your own higher self. You'll be more direct in your life, more confirmed in your choices, and a more authentic version of yourself. You can do it. Start small, little bites. Use these little tricks to grow, to connect, and become the best version of yourself. I mean, seriously....

How could it get any better than this?

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