I'm going to release this on a Friday night... and you know who's going to sit down and read it.
And that's absolutely fine. In fact, I'm quite pumped about it. There's some relief of steam from the kettle. I can just write about fucking nothing and drop this. Really, there was probably only a couple people reading to begin with. Again, THAT'S FINE. And I'm grateful for you, I always will be.
I'm sitting down at my computer, watching the Pat's preseason game (definitely not helping my focus), I'm an edible deep and halfway through my first cocktail. Guess what?
I'm having fun. Writing to write is fun.
There's a million and one people outside at all the restaurants and socializing with friends and family. There's absolutely no parking. People are getting HAMMERED and being annoyingly brazen about it. WHICH IS FINE. It's downtown Plymouth, the drunkest town in Massachusetts. I'm glad I'm finally getting recognized for all my hard work. Cheers. Slante. Karii (English, Irish, Okinawan).
What's your Friday night like? Anything exciting? Family time? Party time? Dinner time? Video games? Movies? Cocktails and scrabble? Leather and ballgags? Hey man, no judgement.
That edible is doing work. I'm becoming quickly distracted. Lot's of people enjoying the last few moments of summer and I'm just trying to quell the desire to join them. There are things I'd like to do Saturday and jumping in the chaos wouldn't help anyone.
I've always believed in the thought that "title's come last" as far as the writing process goes through. To change that, I wrote in my title in early. Quickly, and almost immediately, it fucked up the flow.
There's somethinga bout allowing a stream of consciousness and staying on a topic that allows you tod ig deeper and deeper. There's something about titling a process/relationship/activity that quicky derails what it actually is. your fingers are moving as fast as they can and you just hope to fucki that they're accurate.
Art is beautiful, it's abstract, and is really difficult to put into words. It should be. Every. Fucking. Art.
If you want to argue it, you can, but there's something about ibeing in the moment and staying on task that really brings out something beautiful. you can go through and edit it later, but to stay on something and really try to hammer the nail into a fucing piece of diamond, well... nothing good will come from that. it won't have the purity. it's something you're trying to create but you're forcing it.
think of a poop that you're traying to take .. do you really want to flcre that? im pretty sure that's how you blow yout your rectum.
Just ate dinner. What did I miss? Anything? Probably not. But probably something. FOMOOOOO.
What I've learned is that although the writing may take a hit, there's something freeing about writing... free. And totally distracted. White Claw and Tequila, ever tried it? Highly recommend.
There's a huge part of me that's writing this, thinking, "Dude, no one wants to read this. Write something profound and interesting."
The other part is thinking, "Bro who gives a fuck? Just make sure you're coherent."
Again, doing my work.
I'm going to wrap up here, mostly because as I'm writing, I'm starting to lose focus and I'm sure the edible is to blame. But really, I'm to blame because I took the edible fully knowing what it was going to do. I thought it would be fun, interesting, unique, and different. What's the difference? There isn't I guess. Now it's just a fucking mess. Absolute mess. I'm breaking the "FUCK" meter. I guess there are other adjectives. I don't know any when I've had a couple cocktails and I'm going fast. Too fast. Ricky Bobby style. . Maybe it would enhance my writing... and maybe it does! But it doesn't help my focus, which in turn, hurts the writing. Or does it HELP?!
Nah. I just wanna go fast.
This is what my journal looks liek, just in longform. I tied to not hit the delte buteton and just write, but i'm fumaking a fuck ton of typos .. almost like i'm writing a word and then i tyhpe the other word in the midle of it.
it's time to chill, spend some time with loved ones. or play video games while watching the patriots game. or both.
love you all. happy friedyay.
Fuck this. i'm not dedting .. edditing .. editting .. edditting? FUCK. editing .. really? no doubles? oh well.
Edit: you know what I learned? is that there are no rules to writing good shit. i mean, it has to be better than this, but really there isn't one. everyone seems to have their doifferenct looks but there's somsething fun about reading some nonsense.
enjoy, good luck thrying to figure it out .. you now have an better idea of how my brain looks .. or a closer look .. or whatever. things stuff anything POOP fart. bye.
edit2: I'm going t o leave this as such, but what I'm not going to do is not post it to facebook, not post it to my instagram, nothing.. no email... NOTHING. we'll see who actually checks in on this. If you read this... draw a 8===========D in the comments. <3 bye