Mar 04, 2024

One thing is for certain - we're all going to die one day. That day could be today, could be tomorrow, could be 80 years from now. What's wild is how sucked into the mundane we can get. The bills, the bullshit, drama, arguments, rigid schedules and routines. While walking into the office all I could hear were flocks of birds chirping, "Hey, everyone... it's SPRING!" The primal human inside me, in tune with the rhythms of seasons & the earth, wanted to bask in the sunlight, the bird chatter, the fresh spring air to experience it all. Yet, the logical mind spoke of "all the work that needs to get done." But does it?

This is all a hologram. We sense everything, use our minds to put it all together, and operate based off what we perceive. So when we stop perceiving, the ride is over. We'll be left with our consciousness. So if that's all we're left with, isn't our goal here to grow it as much as possible? How do we do that? Our hours should be spent expanding our perception, by helping those around us do the same, and by creating as much positive energy that we can. We are continuously sourcing from the Earth and the heavens above us. To take those energies and waste them, would be an insult to existence itself.

Perhaps we feel caught right now. To up and leave our tangled positions in life could prove disastrous, like a game of Jenga with other people involved. We have finances to take care of, companies that rely upon our efforts, other humans that still rely upon our "work." Up and quitting always seems like the worst option, but "transitioning" always sound so much smoooooother. So maybe it's about starting to "transition" to your next spot. Smoothly, (or quickly, whichever you feel it need) knock out that Jenga piece and place it on top.

Once you feel it's time, SPRING into the life you were meant to lead. Take the energy you've been receiving and bring this world something beautiful. Expand your mind, your consciousness, your life experience, because this is all we'll be left with at the end. We're meant to LIVE the human experience, good/bad/indifferent. Learn from it. Take the lessons life offers us and contemplate them deeply. Ponder, pontificate, and plan it out. Plans never work out, but planning always does. You'll figure it out as you go, but sometimes you need to trust that thing called "your gut."

If, just like Jenga, it all comes crashing down; at least you tried. Put it all back together and start again. Transition to the next game, because once you stop playing, you stop learning. And if you're not making moves, you're boring the rest of us! LET'S GO!

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