This cold and windy morning I was walking to grab a cup of coffee down the street from my friend's apartment in Dorchester when suddenly a crisp dollar bill appeared in the middle of the street for me. One, single, dollar. 4 quarters. 100 cents. This is nothing in the grand scheme of things. It won't pay a single bill. It won't buy me a cup of coffee. It won't even put a gallon of gas in my car. But, it WAS significant.
You see, just a few days ago on my return from Chicago, I was dead-set focused on manifesting my life. I was putting in my order to the Tao, to the Universe, to the higher intelligence. One thing they say about this practice is that you must assume that it is in motion. Like placing an order at a restaurant, your order is on it's way, the kitchen is working on it. On my ticket was a sum of money that sits in my bank account and grows consistently... and since that order was placed, money has been coming in. There was an unexpected drop of cash into my account yesterday that I noticed. Immediately, I made sure to thank my "server." Today, it was a dollar in my path. These drops of cash are not even close to the amount that I ordered... but I'm being told that it's on its' way. It's coming. In one form or another, my "waiter" is delivering.
So who really gives a shit about a dollar? Well, I do. It wasn't the money that made me jump for joy, but that someone or something is listening. It's a breadcrumb to tell me, "Your order will be out shortly., here's some bread and butter while you wait." And who the hell doesn't love some bread while they wait? Let this be a reminder to all of us that we should vibrate higher than the mundane that can drag us down in the muck, to keep our ears and eyes open for what we're asking for. If you think about "shit," you're going to get shit. If you think about all the beauty you've been "ordering" since you were young... it will reveal itself in one way or another.
Think about what you WANT. If you think about what you "don't want," you're just inviting the negative. Think positive, speak positive (externally AND internally), spread positive. Do a little dance with some geese when you get that dollar, regardless of how small it may be. Celebrate the small gifts because they add up to big gifts in the end.
Manifest the positive. Manifest your life. Manifest your gifted dollar and dance with the damn geese!
Happy Thursday!