NYC Frocktails
40 supporters
Membership has perks!

Membership has perks!

Jun 08, 2024

Hello again and welcome new members! Now that excitement is bubbling for this year's NYC Frocktails, I wanted share some of the benefits you'll enjoy as members and supporters:

  • Learn the date of NYC Frocktails before it's announced publicly (next week!)

  • Learn the theme first and get exclusive mood boards to inspire your make

  • Members at the Linen level and above will get access to an exclusive ticket pre-sale to beat the rush to secure tickets

  • Summer picnic - details to come!

I'm so excited to bring the party back (+more). And I can't wait to share the theme with you! I think you're going to LOVE it. :D

<3 Robyn Burgess AKA @stylesinseams

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