Things are getting Inktense

Things are getting Inktense

Jul 26, 2024

My new crafty Update is now live on You Tube.


Well, it's another Arty Update really, as I've simply been focusing on getting to grips with my new Inktense pencils. Which I am really enjoying, but I still need to learn how to get the best results from them. So that is where my journey has taken me over the last two weeks.


I'm finding that these are way easier to work with than those rather nasty watercolour pencils which I had been using earlier in the month! Yet, I still need much more practice with them!

I also went back to using my watercolour paints, very briefly with some quick sketches and wash.

I've also been working away on some of the Neurographic/Zentangle/Doodles as well - of course I have, it's my go to place to sit and chill.


Not everything went smoothly over the last 2 weeks, I did take a couple of days off to recover from a little 'flare up' - I know it's really bad when I simply don't have the energy or headspace to sit and draw my doodles! But I'm fully recovered now and lets hope its a little while before I have to experience that again.


I'm still working on these Zentangle Dragonflies, and I've yet to feel as though I've come up with the perfect design, but I really love to do these so there will be more to come!

Over the next few weeks, I'll be publishing the Resin Art kit video (which I did at the start of June - sorry for the delay!) and the Inktense swatching video. Then I'll be back with my regular update in two weeks time. In the meantime, I hope you have a good few creative weeks as well!

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