Sep 21, 2023


Many of you are now not receiving my emails so I am posting the highlights of my recent article for you here.


I had always been the one who never picked up the winter lurgies.

Then last winter, I spent some of the shorter days of the year sharing a household with kids.

I soon realised the plethora of pathogens the children brought home would make an Amazonian biologist used to winning any the ´how many species are in my 1m2 of jungle' lose with shame, just to what lurked on the home kitchen-sink chopping board.

These pathogens didn´t just take our household down, but seemed to wipe out the occupants of just about every home we knew with school-aged children. The local school's receptionist admitted a third of the primary school's children were off sick.

33% off sick?

As a 70's school-child I never witnessed such a thing.

Mind, we also didn´t need an assistant teacher to deal with the extra children with learning disabilities either - our 70s teachers fared fine alone.

What is going on these days?

Could it be this?

The illnesses did seem to appear after the school Fluenz campaigns but surely that's some conspiracy nonsense born of paranoid post-plandemic minds?

I decided to do some research...

This leads to many questions that I have listed below.

Read the full article here:


Mark Playne

Not On The Beeb

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