This document provides an in-depth guide to buffer overflow vulnerabilities, binary exploitation techniques, and protections against attacks. It covers essential topics such as x86-64 assembly, memory management, debugging tools, reverse engineering, and exploitation methods. The document also includes practical examples, commands, and scripts for exploiting buffer overflow vulnerabilities.
Table of Contents
- Important Note
- Assembly Basics
- Registers
- The Stack in Computer Architecture
- Calling Conventions
- Global Offset Table (GOT)
- Return-Oriented Programming (ROP)
- C Programming
- Disassemblers
- Debugging
- Decompilers
- Buffer Overflow
- BOF Exploitation
- Common Binary Protections against BOF
- Common Definitions Before You GetStarted
- Common Tips For BOF Exploitation
- Tools and their installation
- Exploiting Buffer overflow when NX isenabled using Ret2libc
- Exploiting Buffer overflow when NX isenabled using ret2dlresolveWith gdb+peda
- Exploiting BOF | NX Enabled | UsingGadgets and ROP Chains
- Exploiting BOF with NX and PIE enabledusing ret2libc and stack pivoting.
- Exploiting BOF without ASLR and binaryprotections.
- RET2GOT: BOF when NX and ASLRprotections are enabled. [ldd]
- RET2GOT: BOF when NX and ASLRprotections are enabled. [Radare2]
- Exploiting BOF When PIE is enabled
- Exploiting SUID Bit Binaries[s]
- Buffer Overflow on Double FreeVulnerabilities
- TCACHE poisoning
- Unsorted Bin chunk
- Heap feng shui
- Using BOF to control global variables in aprogram
- Format String Vulnerability
- Resources
- Process Injection
- Process Hollowing
- DLL Injection
- Hacking Binaries with Frida
- Binary Security
Page Count: 184
Format: PDF
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