Cynthia Lara
7 supporters
Trying to come back slowly

Trying to come back slowly

Oct 29, 2021

So...I don't even know where to start. It has been really hard to stay motivated. The elbow pain that was not allowing me to play games or draw is kind of gone, but I've been struggling with arm and shoulder pains for some months.

Between pain and being working too hard, I have too little energy to try to be creative. I actually have been singing a little, because I wanted to be part of an international fan project where people all around the world sing and play the same song and some really amazing people do their magic to mix everything and make it sound good. So maybe all my creativity is not lost. But it's being tough. I think it's specially difficult when I look back at my younger years, when I used to be a tomboy, do some questionable things that my agile and strong body allowed T_T Now I feel like a potato. On good days I feel good then one swing of my arm (careless I guess?) and I'm like ow! ow! ow! :c

These last days I tried to just draw whatever, have fun fun, not expecting much but then ideas started to flow and I have some sketches. I wanted to share something here, just to say hi and thank you for the support, the patience and just for being awesome :)

Am I back for good? Who knows. I think I will just take it easy and try to have fun. Life is too short.

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