
May 04, 2023

An alternative perspective on mental health and addiction

Perfect: Chapter 1 - Basic Instinct

“You are not suffering from a disease or disorder and I’m going to tell you why,” I say.

Mostly — people laugh at me. And hardly anyone believes me if they’re polite enough to not laugh in my face.

They humour me instead.

This is the common reaction when I try to share my perspective on mental health and addiction, even though there’s more than enough information to support my perspective and I’m walking proof my approach works.

I believe this happens because not many other people have taken the time to find out more about how the psychiatric industry decides what a disorder is and how it should be decided whether a person has one or not.

Nobody seems to question this at all, except a few people who’ve been misdiagnosed and have taken the time to find out more about how this could have happened to them when doctors were supposed to have known better.

Currently, many doctors and psychologists are telling people they have some kind of mental disorder that is incurable and requires medication for life as standard practice.

Currently, the general public have come to accept mental health challenges as mental “illnesses” or “disorders”, because that is what doctors and psychologists have been calling these things for some years now.

I’ve disagreed with this perspective on mental health and addiction being a disease or disorder for some time now and I share my opinion freely and often. I also share it with clients, who are struggling with addiction and mental health, who come to me for guidance.

“You are not suffering from a disease or disorder and I’m going to tell you why,” I say.

And they also generally react in the exact same way, while I sit and observe their responses silently, wondering...

how they expect to get well if they don’t even believe this is possible themselves.

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