A reply to someone who asked how they might help:
"I actually have a project I want to develop but life is so busy it's a slow development. And then life happens and I need to deal with stuff to find time to work on the project.
I don't want to do the sponsorship / investment route due to the nature of the content. It kind of has to be gifted and uninfluenced. Some of it is triggering intentionally - with the aim of helping people learn to process stuff on their own.
Thing is... when you trigger folks they withdraw, naturally. Or fight back :) It's part of the process of recovery and therapy, see? The so-called "shadow work".
So if I have investors who get triggered they can shut down the whole project :D
More - if the investors or sponsors are pressured by outside groups, because the content threatens those groups or businesses (and it will), the same thing can happen.
More... there may be a lot of false accusations and nonsense from same to try and keep some of what I'd like to share quiet.
It's a conundrum and I'm trying to figure it out.
I do have an app and/or a video game that I want to develop. Perhaps something fun and mild will be less threatening for the status quo and resolve some of these issues..."
In short... your donations could help me get this project out there.
If you would prefer to donate anonymously or would like to offer a larger once off donation, please email me for bank account details directly - [email protected]
Or you can donate on Hive; Deso or via Binance.
I'd be more than happy to give you a shout out / or maintain your privacy and anonymity in full at your discretion.
I've also started a Patreon page, for monthly subscriptions, where you'll have pre-released parts of the book (This Is Perfect); get a deeper dive into the book content (Over 18 only, please) and the philosophy; information; reasoning and practices behind the experience.
I may add a community and offer private feedback for your personal questions and journey as well at a later stage.
If you can't afford to support this financially... boy do I understand! A share, like or (even better) a tell someone in person would be really appreciated.
One step at a time.
Enjoy the experience <3