CircusTown Tube Talk

CircusTown Tube Talk

Jan 08, 2024

Had a quick chat with CircusTown about my Aerial Tube Act and how it came to be. Funny enough, the tube act started not with a tube at all, but with a piece of music. By the legendary Miss Grace Jones, called Corporate Cannibal. In a very deconstructed, almost mechanical sounding remix. When I first heard it, I knew that this piece will have to be performed somewhere in… somewhat, but I was not exactly clear on how to solve the technicalities of it. I did have a crystal clear image of a testing tube with a human specimen in it, struggling and succeeding in a very confined, yet exposed enclosure. Through lucky circumstances, I got into touch with the Swiss company OeffOeff, focusing on large outdoor art and performance installation pieces. Together with Heidi Aemisegger, we’ve created a first version of what is now my aerial tube act that I perform almost nightly at Absinthe in Las Vegas. I’ve premiered the act for the very first time in public - after an intense research and development period - at The Torture Garden’s Valentine’s Ball in London, UK, after which it was picked up by The Hole 2 in Spain, in which I’ve performed the act for multiple years touring Spain with longer residencies in Madrid and Barcelona. One of the highlights was to perform the polarizing piece at the legendary Theatre Colosseo in Barcelona. The act went through numerous iterations and revisions, with various lengths and styles. The version in Spain was set on stage in a glorious, elaborate light design and had me transform into the poster character of the dark angel. It was the first time I’ve performed completely naked on stage, and I think that will warrant my next written post. One of my favorite versions of the act is a duo version that Ive performed either with a female or male partner, it premiered at the show Live! - The Show - in Brisbane Australia at the Fringe Theatre Festival to rave reviews. Other performances include a courageous showing at the Burning Man music festival, the El Lio on Ibiza and Ohlala in Zurich, Switzerland. By now I own multiple tubes in various sizes. Can’t have enough of those.

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