Espacio Interior Week

Espacio Interior Week

Aug 07, 2023

Dear friends of Espacio Interior,

Hello again, we would like to inform you about our new program: Espacio Interior Week. The idea is to offer one week stays in our home to those who need to take some time off and benefit from the philosophy of this house whose pillars are stillness and personal growth in a convivial environment.

There are times when we need to get away from society, from our routines and distractions to see the world and our circumstances from a different perspective with a more polished focus. During this stay you will be able to delve into those aspects of your life you  need to review and reflect. Benefit from the synergy with other people and enjoy a tailor-made residence which includes: times for meditation and rest, art and yoga classes, cooking and meals together, walks through the surrounding landscapes and walks on the historical Camino de Santiago.

We offer you:

  • A beautiful house and environment in a rural area in the province of Castilla y León; in the town of Castrojeriz -one of the most beautiful towns in Spain-, in the heart of the French Way. A relaxed atmosphere with a shared bedroom (maximum 5 people), meditation room and community areas: living room, kitchen, garden, artistic creation workshop.

  • Living in a new environment and benefiting from the incentive of living with other people and deciding the level of interaction that you want to share.

  • The dynamic of the space includes ecology and slow food, a vegetarian diet to clean your body, times of contemplative silence and living together in harmony.

  • Spiritual accompaniment (introduction to meditation, conscious listening, yoga...)

If you want to know more about this unique experience for your rest and personal growth you are welcome to contact us and we will inform you about the availability and costs of the residence.

To get the most out of this stay and for us better to understand your intetion, please briefly explain us in an e-mail:

What would be your priority: rest, spirituality, accompaniment, art, physical activities, others (which)?

What would you like to learn or improve?

What would you expect to get from this experience?

The house is open for visitors and pilgrims from April till Novermber. If you prefer quiter residence we recommend to stay during months of July and August.

We would appreciate if you leave a comment here to increase our visibility for other visitors and pilgrims:

If you would like to support and contribute to this project you can do it through this platform:

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