Vitalik Buterin NFT Collection

Vitalik Buterin NFT Collection

Sep 10, 2021

Vitaly Dmitriyevich “Vitalik” Buterin is a Russian-Canadian programmer and writer who is best known as one of the co-founders of Ethereum. Buterin became now an NFT Collection.

In the first step, 42 pieces were made, the first piece of which will of course be given to Vitalik for the well-known ETH adress.

I like to be in the CryptoWorld and feel from day to day better to know everytime a bit more, like yesterday.

I think independend from age from “0–999” or 4–99 everybody can find a special plus in the blockchain technology for themself.

In the financial World in the hole Universe Countries, Cities and the people from a young age will meet the moneyquestion, that for first sight sounds terribble, because we can hear everywhere, that could be and make a big problem or mistake and it happens too many time in the World if we or a situation couldn’t be handeled without the Money!

So I think we should see it from a different perspective, that it could be only a device that we use everyday to meet our needs.

The Blockchain, the newest Technology, that we have here on our smartphones and desks can be used for everything.

We don’t need a big bag of Money to start something to build, that we really are.

Precise goals need to be set and everything can be found on the internet using google and social media for free.

I started my 20’s with moneyexchange and stockexchange, brokerage businesses.

Now Today I am working to get to know the world of the NFT, so that I can create my own creations myself.

I also sell a few of these, but my real goal is to achieve such success by creating the NFT, so that I can use this example to give others options.

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