James Bellian
82 supporters
Sunsetting BuyMeACoffee for Supporters

Sunsetting BuyMeACoffee for Supporters

Aug 18, 2023

Thank you everyone for your support so far! Up to this point we have been accepting one-time donations for access to the Alpha, but as of 08/18/2023 we are transitioning over to Patreon.

If you donated to BuyMeACoffee prior to 08/18/2023 congratulations! You will keep your supporter role and continue to have access to the Alpha versions of the game and Campfire Hangout. If you have not yet bought a Coffee and wish to join in on the Alpha, head on over to Patreon and select one of our tiers to become a Tribe Supporter!


Thank you everyone for your amazing support, we could not be doing this without you. Looking forward to seeing you in the Megafaunaverse!

Neolithic Tribe Strong! 💪😎


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