In this episode, we tackle some of the most thought-provoking and frequently asked questions about Christianity, sourced directly from Reddit threads.
What is Original Sin?
Is the church Israel? - Are we the Church the body of Christ Israel? Did we replace them or reconfigure into them somehow? Because the way I understand the Church and Israel are 2 separate identities and have 2 different futures. This seems to keep coming back to me and I need to know the truth, so please give your answers with scriptures because I will challenge it for the simple fact that is not how I understand it. Doesn't mean I am right though. Please help me understand this position because this changes things drastically.
Why does God punish Egypt so much in Exodus? - In Exodus, it basically says that he hardens Pharaoh's soul so that he will seek worldly explanations and deny obvious signs from God. I just don't understand why, for instance, He decides to kill every single first born in Egypt to punish one person that seems like he couldn't care less about loss of life.
How to get right with God? - I feel so far from being right with Him. I’m scared of Him. It’s hard to believe I can be right with him. I’ve done a lot of awful this past year and I don’t know how to get right. My conscience is dull. I’ve become lazy and belligerent. I’m trying to start putting my life back together. I just want to be a good loving follower again and be restful in my soul and believe that I am right with him.
What Bible version is the best?
Need help understanding why - So I've been reading the bible. I read the Gospels and then I decided to start over at the beginning and read through the whole thing but I can't make it through Leviticus and stuff like that. I feel like I'm not learning anything since it's not exactly relevant to me, and I find it very difficult to read and continue to go through. Should I just skip over this? I feel like I need to read it but I just need somebody to give me a good reason that I'm not seeing. Obviously being that's the Bible is a good reason but if you could just explain to me why knowing that is good it would be very helpful.
How can I have a better relationship with God when it seems everything is one way? - I'll read the bible and see verses where it says God talks to people, either through prophets or to people directly, not including Jesus. None of this happens to me, I try to repent, I read the bible, I pray, etc... Everything seems very one sided and like I'm doing all these things to try and be better for God and get closer, but nothing ends up happening, it often feels like I'm just talking to a wall. God knows I want a better relationship and to be a better Christian, so why doesn't he reach out to me in a way I can understand?
Why does Jesus command for thankless servitude?