We've heard the hype, we've seen the the messages being taught to students, we've heard the arguments for and against, but what is SEL really?? Todd shares the history and dark message lingering under the surface of social emotional learning while Laura points us back to the Truth in Christ. All references are listed below so you can read for yourself the dark motive behind what seems like an innocent program.
References: Cornell Law Review Volume 74, Issue 3, March 1989, Article 4: Defining Religion in the First Amendment: A Functional Approach, Establishment Clause, Communist Control Act of 1954, Congressional Record Appendix, pp. A34-a35, January 10, 1963: Current Communist Goals, Karl Marxx: Communist as Religious Eschatologist, Murray N. Rothbard, Paulo Freire, Paulo Freire - Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Conscientization, Social and Emotional Learning: A Short History, Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Toward SEL in Service of Educational Equity and Excellence by Robert J. Jagers, Deborah Rivas-Drake & Brittney Williams, CASEL Fundamentals, CASEL Implementation, CASEL SEL Framework, John Fetzer,
The Fetzer Institute - About, SEL, HS Project, Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC), Alice Bailey - Problems of Humanity, Chapter 2 The Problem of Children in the World, Alice Bailey - Education in the New Age, Lucis Trust (Originally Lucifer Publishing Co.), Lucis Trust HQ - United Nations, The United Nations: Manifesting the Vision of the One Humanity, Home Visits 101, Parent Teacher Home Visit Model, Video of Parent Teacher Home Visit, Parent Teacher Home Visits Org,