Original Publication Date 5/25/23
I love catching fish and other animals, and I catch things for fun and always let them go unharmed and just as they were when I caught them. These techniques are not for big game. They’re for catching small fish. I have created some of these tactics through learning and some I’ve found online. All the names are made by myself:
Quick Dive
Worm Finger Fishing
The Sneaky Hug
Patience Fishing
In this blog, I will compare the different tactics for capturing these scaly water dwellers and tell you which tactic is best.
What You’ll Need To Consider
You don’t need anything for fishing but your bare hands, but I will list some items that might help you successfully catch a fish:
Fishing net
Bucket or place to store fish (only for a short amount of time)
Bathing suit or something to wear in water (choose your clothes based on where you’re going fishing)
Sun protection
Notice: use common sense when fishing. That includes not standing in freezing water for long periods of time, due to the risk of hypothermia and other health problems.
Let’s get started!
Quick Dive
The fish I caught at Reed Creek
The first way to catch a fish is best when you are in a place with other people. The inconvenience of having lots of people around is you have almost no chance of sneaking up on a fish with all the other vibrations around you. This tactic is to just lunge for a fish. It is straightforward and works best in shallow water or when a fish is near the surface. It’s important to be ready and do it without hesitation. Otherwise, you might waste a second, and the fish could get away.
I used this tactic at Reed Creek with my family. I caught a Large-Mouthed-Bass with a wounded eye, so this tactic should work in a place with multiple people.
Worm Finger Fishing
The next tactic is best used when you're in deep water and don’t want to get soaked. First, you lower your arm into the water. You must wait up to ten minutes because fish won’t approach warm foreign objects. Waiting will cool your body temperature, making the fish more likely to approach you. Now you must wiggle your finger around to imitate a worm. After a little wait, a fish should approach you, and you can snatch it up!
It’s best to grip from behind the gills where there is a bone that makes it easier to hold. I don’t recommend gripping the fish this way because it could hurt the fish, and sometimes the fish are too small to see the gills from underwater.
I found this technique in How to Catch a Fish With Your Bare Hands
The Sneaky Hug
Another way to catch a fish is to slowly wrap your hand around it; when the fish is secure, you can snatch it up. It’s simple.
This approach works because fish always feel things around them, and if you’re slow enough, you can easily catch a fish. This was intended for night fishing and when a fish is close to the bottom of a shallow river bank. I learned this from Bob Hansler’s How to Catch a Fish With Your Bare Hands video, so feel free to check it out.
Patience Fishing
The final way to catch a fish is best when you have a lot of time on your hands and not many people around. If you watch a school of fish, you can start to notice where they hang out. Then, all you have to do is walk over there (if you’ve found the right spot, it’s fine if you scare the fish away) and relax. Stay still and wait for a little while. After some time has passed, the fish should approach and explore you. Don’t jump at the first chance you’ve got. Wait until the fish is in the right spot, and snatch it up!
With this tactic, I’ve gotten fish to come up to me and even rub against my toes (though I haven't caught any fish yet).
So What’s Next?
I have listed four different approaches for hand-catching fish. There is no “best tactic” because each works in different instances. For example, if there are a great deal of people around, that ruins your chance of staying still and letting the fish come to you.
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Thank you for reading all the way to the end!