Hello everyone, I'll be talking about Commission Request on this post here
Commission Request
The modding Commission working process is down below
1. Contact me on Discord about Modding Commission And I will give you Google form link Through Discord DM
2. Commissioner will provide model and info about modding to me through Google Form
3. I will check info and model first If model is too hard or impossible to rig bones or mod into the game
then i won't accept the commission request.
4. I will Start Working on the model & Show you progress i made.
5. Finishing up model and & showcase model by video
6. Make Payment On "Buymecoffee" page (I can accept either Paypal or Buy me a coffee as Payment)
7. I will Sent mod to You(Commissioner) Through Discord or Email.
Mod Features (RE4R)
I can accept a Weapon Commission for RE4R
-Gun Mod = 10$
-Knife Mod = 5$
No furry model please (I'm scared of furry)
I Only Accept model files format that are: xps, obj, fbx, pmx
I DO NOT Accept Any Model Files If it From Blender
Characters : Leon, Ada, Ashley, etc
Emissive Texture : Yes [Example Pic]
Facial Expression : Yes [Example Video] (Cost 5 More Dollars and Some model might be impossible to add a facial expression)
Hair Physics : Yes
Breast Physics : Yes
Clothes Physics : Yes
Decapitate Head & Expression : Yes
Half Body Decapitate : Yes
Outline Character : Yes
Port to Other Characters (Cost 10$ per characters. Example: Leon to Ada, Ada to Ashley)
Modding time usage : Usually took around 1 week to finish commission (I'm mostly active on Saturday)
Mod Features (Mortal Kombat 1)
It's not possible to replace Head for now. They need to be merge to a Body at the moment
Physics is not possible for now
Facial Expression is not possible for now
Jiggle Physics is not possible for now
Transparent Texture (ATOS) is possible now (Work only on Hair)
Character head are hidden by HeadRemoval mod taught&made by Spooky4444
I can replace Character Default, second and others costume
I can replace Character weapons
Modding time usage : Usually took around 1 week to finish commission (I'm mostly active on Weekend)
Payment and Prices
There are currently 3 Ways Payment Method
You can make a payment by Selecting the price for Commission and Pressing Support Button on the Main page of "Buy me a coffee" page
Paypal (I would prefer you to use other payment method since Paypal collect fee more than others)
Thai Bank Or PromptPay (Ask me first if you want to pay by using Thai bank app or PromptPay)
The price are depends on the model complexity but usually it's base price if the mod is not too hard to make
RE4R = Base Price 20$ Per mod (+5$ if added facial expression) & (Price might increase depends on model complexity and others factor)
Mortal Kombat 1 = Base price 10-20$ Per mod (Price might increase depends on model complexity and others factor)
Important Note
You will have to ask me for commission first before making a payment or filling the forms. failing to do that and i will cancel the commission request and Refund all the payment you make
You can make a payment After I send you a video preview of the mod to you in case you are not satisfied with the mod
Reselling mod is Prohibited