Day 9: Who Are Your Resiliency Role Mode ...

Day 9: Who Are Your Resiliency Role Models?

Sep 03, 2024

Welcome back to Day 9 of your 30-Day Emotional Firewalls Challenge for Students!

Today, we’re exploring resilience by looking at role models—people who inspire us with their ability to overcome challenges and stay strong. By identifying and learning from these role models, you can better understand how to build resilience in your own life.

Why Role Models Matter:

Role models show us what’s possible. They demonstrate strength, determination, and a positive mindset. By looking up to these individuals, you can learn valuable lessons about resilience and apply them to your life.

What Makes a Role Model Resilient?

Resilient role models often share qualities like perseverance, optimism, adaptability, and courage.

Today’s Activity:

Identify a resilience role model—someone from history, a public figure, or even someone you know personally. Think about what makes them resilient and how their actions inspire you.

Action Item for This Week:

Commit to embodying one quality of your chosen resilience role model. Whether it’s perseverance, optimism, or adaptability, practice this quality in your daily life.

You got this! See you tomorrow for Day 10 of your 30 Day Emotional Firewalls Challenge!

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