Giraffe Joy

Mar 23, 2023

Last Sunday I did my first live vendor fair as 'Nicki Scribbles'. I've been creating a lot of artwork over the past year+ and I've sold the occasional piece here and there. I even went all out and put a huge mural on my yoga studio's wall (awkward...). I post my work online, too.

But until last Sunday, I've never stood next to it while people looked at it, evaluated it, and determined if they wanted any of it.

I think dental work without anesthetic might be slightly more comfortable. ;)

For me, my artwork has been about creating a place of grounding for myself. About expression, connection, and story. I've created a piece here and there for others but a lot of it is really about my own imagination and this exercise that watercolors seem to uniquely present for me... I compare it to my days with jazz. There's a framework, rules, and techniques -that's all true - but there's also a wide open flow where you're never quite sure exactly what will happen. It's a little gap of magic.

Last year, during some very late night painting session (that's when I enjoy it most) I came up with this funny little giraffe. I was using some new paper that had been on sale and promised to be an upgrade to what I typically paint, it was in a unique size I really like (8x8). But the truth was, I seemed to be fighting it every step of the way. I couldn't 'make' the paint do what I wanted and my vision wasn't working out. In a moment somewhere between tired, frustrated, and desperate, I changed my mixing style with the paint and then I picked up an ink pen I only ever previously used for signing my work and creating lighter lines. The illustrated giraffe with his ink detail and blended spots bloomed right on that paper. He was silly - a goofy, happy expression that seemed to say to me - 'Were you looking for me?' I absolutely was...

I already love giraffes, although I find them quite challenging to create well...but this one was pure joy for me. I didn't really think I could love him more.

Enter the Sunday vendor market...

A little boy (6) approached my table and filed through the work in my display. The giraffe is bigger so he's towards the back of the prints... I asked him if he liked to make art and got a half 'yeah' as he studied my work with his little hands. His mom located us and rushed forward to remind him to 'be careful' but we exchanged nods that this was okay with me and he was doing just fine. And then, he unearthed a Giraffe Joy print. He face, really his body, lit up. He wanted it so badly- mom understandably tried to get him to look at the (much cheaper) bookmarks and at other items. I was surprised too - there were sensory boxes in the booth next door, a bounce house at the event - and this little guy was attached giraffe? He was finally convinced to leave it behind and go look at other things and I assumed that he would retain that want only long enough for it to be replaced with the next 'great thing' he needed to have.

But more than 2 hours later, he came running back - mom in tow - to buy the giraffe for his room. I was told he loved giraffes and we had a great conversation about our shared love for the animal. I showed him a photo of the carved giraffe in my house and his whole world seemed to light up when mom bought the print and it was placed in his hands.

This little guy made my day- but he managed to make it even better when he AND his big brother (8) came running over so that they could both tell me how excited they were about hanging the Giraffe Joy print in their shared bedroom. Soon, I met dad and the biggest brother too. And we decided their giraffe would need a name - the boys picked Tom.

I was so reticent about the vendor market. Art is so personal. But the boys reminded me that it's also a way not just to tell MY story, but to be a part of someone else's. His mom told me I'd made the boy's day... but I am sure it was nothing compared to how much the boys made mine.

I hope Tom the Giraffe is spreading his joy for those boys every morning and night - smiling his goofy, upside down, smile- just for them.


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