So, here I am, a reluctant storyteller at heart, no literary genius, just a middle-aged woman who's traversed the rollercoaster of life's twists and turns. My son, a persistent advocate, kept urging me to jot down the chronicles of my escapades. Now, I'm not a writer, not by a long shot. I'm just another woman who's embraced life's quirky surprises, and maybe you've been down a similar path or can nod in agreement.
Our journey in this country began with two young boys and a mere four suitcases. We hopped from one rental to another, each place offering new memories to decorate our life. My youngest battled relentless eczema, causing him to miss school more often than I'd like to admit. He was the odd one out, the boy with the skin condition, a medical mystery, and a list of food allergies longer than a shopping receipt. Birthday party invites? Forget about it. He was the kid no one wanted around the cake.
In the midst of it all, I made a choice. A choice to nurture my family, to be there for them, rather than chase a demanding career. With no family nearby, relying on others was tricky. Life happened, as it does, and there's a tale to be told there someday.
Fast forward to today, and the boys are all grown up, pursuing their own passions and finding success. As for me, I've embarked on a startup journey, fueled by my passion for design and the kaleidoscope of colors. I aim to leave my imprint on the design industry.
You know those conversations where you meet someone for the first time, and inevitably, they ask, "What do you do for a living?" or "How many degrees do you have?" Well, when it's my turn, and I confess to having a diploma and no fancy degrees, I've witnessed it—those fleeting glances as if I'd become invisible. That's society for you. But guess what? Who cares? I know my worth. I might not be fluent in designer jargon, but I have a wealth of knowledge. When it comes to colors, I know what sings in harmony and what clashes in discord.
So here I stand, middle-aged and slowly embracing my wrinkles, aided by the magic of hair color. But most importantly, I'm grateful for every twist and turn, every challenge and triumph. My mission? To make a difference in others' lives, to sprinkle a little magic into their homes. You don't need to empty your wallet to have a beautiful home.
In this ever-changing world, it's crucial to respect one another, to exude compassion, to radiate calmness, and to share the love. We all have a purpose in this grand tale of existence, and it's not about the pages we fill, but the impact we make. So, be kind to others, love yourself with all your wrinkles and supposed flaws. We've got one life on this Earth, my friend, and it's yours for the taking. So, go on, seize it with all the vibrancy and passion you can muster.