10 supporters
A Month of BMC + GWA

A Month of BMC + GWA

Jun 22, 2021

It’s been about a month since I came back to GWA anddd started this BMC account. I’ve since launched a Patreon as well and have filled nearly ten custom requests.

It’s crazy how fulfilling it feels to be a part of this horny, loving, open community every day, and to have something to put so much of my creative efforts and energy into :3

I’m feeling grateful for everyone who has bought me a tea, paid for a custom script, subscribed to my Patreon or even just sent a kind comment/message. What a wonderful aspect of technology, this ability to form little families based on shared interests and to do so without judgement or fear… coool 😻.

I’ve had some wine tonight so I’m being cheesy but it felt nice to share these feelings!

Love and light and kinkiness, Cat xxx

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