Music Jotter
37 supporters
Granting Access to Music Jotter

Granting Access to Music Jotter

Oct 08, 2023

Thank you early supporters! This is an important step for this software. As we grow our membership here, we are going to shape this software to our needs. But the first step is to stabilize the software. We will.

After you sign up for Young Composers (you can integrate your Facebook accounts if you wish), you can then self grant access to the software by going here:

Self Grant Access

I tried to make it really easy for everyone. Getting proper access is critical, so if you notice any issues with this process, let me know so I can address.

Music Jotter integration means you will be a part of our really awesome Young Composers community too. Feel free to utilize the forums to showcase your own work (if that's something you are into). The important thing is to take note of the forums towards the bottom of the page:

A lot of our discussions will happen right here (I'm unsure if BMC allows users to post, or if I am the only who can post, we'll learn together!), but you can use the Music Jotter forum to create your own topics. You can use it like this:

  • Bugs: Use this forum to submit issues. There will be a ton, but this phase is a necessary evil of any new software.

  • Requested Features: When I say community led software, this is what I mean. We can use the requested features forum where you can submit your detailed suggestions.

  • Help Desk: Use this forum if you are unsure of how to do something.

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