Axeholm (Dragon of Icespire Peak)

Axeholm (Dragon of Icespire Peak)

Feb 08, 2022

After something of a haitus (apologies!), this month's printer friendly maps are for the ground and upper levels of Axeholm, the abandoned dwarven stronghold suitable for level 5 adventurers. This dungeon is found in the Dragon of Icespire Peak, the campaign found in the D&D Essentials Kit.

Included are three versions of each map: the DM's, the Players', and the Cartographers'.

The DM's, and Players' versions are self explanatory. Beware that the Players' version reveals the entire location, so will need some form of concealment during a game session.

The Cartographers' version is partially blank, and is intended as a handout for players who enjoy drawing along to their DM's description. You could also cut up a spare players' version, and place the pieces on top as new areas are revealed.

You can access the maps for free by either:

- Purchasing the extra (pay-what-want, no registration required).

- Downloading directly from A4 | US Letter

Each includes a pre-prepared PDF for quick and simple printing.


LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This map is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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